Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Heavy times...

"Life is both dreadful and wonderful."

Thich Nhat Hanh

That is exactly the way I feel after today. Greg, Jy, and I went to the Columbus Mennonite Church tonight to hear an Iraqi veteran and an American veteran speak about the current state of the war, their opinions, and the truth that we are never told about Iraq.

It's not only dreadful that we have the government that we do... but even more dreadful is the fact that our media isn't even truthful about the events that are occuring.

It was good to be with the boys and good to be made aware, even if in a minimal way.

We came home and fixed some dinner and watched the final presidential debate, and once again all I could do was turn my palms to the sky and ask our Father for an intervention. Some peace. Some truth. Anything, really. The debate was pretty digusting to say the least and I am ready for some freedom from all the lies that are being drilled into our heads.

Then we watched the 11pm news... 10 murders in Columbus in 10 days they said...

once again, palms up,
Father? Please? Quickly?

Dreadful... a lot. Wonderful... a lot.

What is truly wonderful is the feeling of safety from having two of your dearest friends at your side... all of us feeling the pain of our seperation from truth and peace... realizing our need to pray, pray, pray for this world.

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