Saturday, November 8, 2008

Foot-y pajamas and the greatest friends in the world...

The three day a week work schedule is exhausting but very sutiable for a spontaneous life style.

Thursday night after work... and after our community time... we rode our bikes up to a hotel downtown for our own version of a hotel party. Greg's job had a conference there and although he lives here... they gave him a room anyway. Luckily my friends love to share so we all got to enjoy a fancy hotel overlooking beautiful Columbus with three vacant full size beds and a fridge of beer (provided by us).
We took a mini vacation on Thursday, and like any good vacation in a hotel, we went exploring. Not only did we go exploring... but we went in our socks... just like we all did as kids. We hit every floor and even found some secret passage ways, other peoples half eaten room service, and the ice machine (a personal favorite).
We got to jump on the beds, have a dance party, fight each other with pillows, and rock out with Greg's co worker and his guitar, all lay in one bed to talk laugh and snuggle, and eat free cookies. It was the best vacation i'd ever been on.
Kelly and I closed up shop the next morning and rode back in the rain. She treated me to some breakfast at Tim's and we sat inside talking of sisterhood (real and adopted sisters) and the freedom and acceptance of that kind of relationship. We talked of the value of our friendships with our moms... which can be deeper than any other human relationship... it left me feeling like we have so little time to enjoy the family we have.

Only your sisters can see you drunk, dancing in your underwear and a t shirt in a foreign country to the sound of your own awful voice to an equally awful song and not change the way they look or feel about you. THAT is sisterhood.

Friday was pretty productive... and we had a special treat for dinner with Kelly's family and pizza! I love spending time with other families especially when they remind me of my own. We then met up with the boys and headed to the monster house for Blake's show, met some new friends, saw some old and wonderful friends (kyle and paul!)

Now it is saturday night and i am laying on the couch watching center stage alone in my foot-y one piece pajamas that kelly and i picked up today. I am starting to wonder if i am becoming an old lady because I don't feel like doing anything on Saturday nights... but I am in footy pj's so probably not.

1 comment:

Big Ben said...

I'm still recovering from a friday hangover and doing nothing on a saturday night. Thumbs up for do nothing saturday nights!