Thursday, July 24, 2008

more summer fun...

Kesia and I at the Clippers game for Mike's birthday!

Mohican camping trip 2008... in the mud.

Half of my triathlon team... the northern T.I.T.'s (triathletes in training)
\ Julie and Caleb got married!

By beloved bike... from my beloved Laura and Adam

No Planet... No Party

Life has been fun lately... different. Yet fun.

I started my new job as a Critical Care Nurse for Ohio Health this past Monday and that has been an adventure. It is going to make me really smart and really awesome and I am excited for that. Lot's of work to do before I can start saving lives... just when I thought the learning was done... its back.

I guess that is one of the many good things about being a nurse... you never stop learning. There is always more to learn and more to learn and more to learn...

This is going to be so good.

I am also training for a triathlon on August 24th with seven really fun friends... we started a blog about our journey...

Check it out and leave us some encouragement!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008