Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Picture update...

Last week, mama Jan invited Kelly and I up to her house to have a cooking day. A few months ago we had attempted to make a broc ched soup and it failed. Not miserably, but it failed. It was her recipe we followed, so in attempts to make us better at life, she decided to teach us how to make it. This time was a much better success. The soup turned out perfect. We also got to make some amazing scones, laugh, and talk about love, the past, marriage, and the bondage of women in certain roles and how to handle it. It was a hopeful day.

Group shot of team cook.

Also last week, I had the day off, and my comrade Kelly sort of had the day off... so we spent the day having a luncheon, making patches (our new hobby), cooking dinner, dancing and wine drinking with Patience, and then dumpstering with the boys and Daria...

Here is our lunch, our stencil book, and our sewing machine.

A closer look at our lunch...

Our first two patches... we are very very proud of them.

Making dinner and enjoying sisterhood (which seems like a constant thing around here, thankfully)

Here is our PA love, Patience Lovermore. She is in the process of moving in. And sometimes sleeps in the bed with kelly and i. ha!

Midst of the dance party. Note Kelly reppin our new patch. Note me reppin that awesome vest. Note Patience and her broadway pose.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Our beautiful russian comrade and soulful friend Daria ventured with us to the dumpsters last night. The reason I call her my comrade and soulful friend is because I have never heard her address us or introduce us any other way.

That is just the start of her. I learn so much from this women its incredible. Her genuine intrest in peoples thoughts and opinions on things. Her way of communicating. Her laughter. Her honestly. Her incredible gift of hospitality. Her love for the over 500 library books in her apt. Her love for books period. Her russian accent. Her auora of peace. Her radiance of peace.

Being around her, I instantly become more peaceful. She is a refreshing soul to be around. She was a great addition to the dumpster team that consisted of kelly, jonny, greg, and I.

I am itching for summer and all the feelings of freedom that come with it.

Hurry up summer.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Patience and Kelly

I got to spend some much needed time with two of the most powerful and strong women I will ever know. We had a "girls night," which does not look at all as some may think "girls night" should look.

Yes, we watched a movie, ate some ice cream and chips and salsa, and talked about boys... but that was just the start.

We turned off the lights, lit eight candles, huddled on the couch together under blankets, and read aloud by candle light. We read excerpts from the vagina monologues, which I am now convinced you could only read aloud with people you are more than comfortable with. We also read an essay from a book Kelly and I got from the library by Gloria Steinem, who was one of the most influential feminist activist and authors of all time (in my opinion that is). It was a spiritual and mighty thing to behold with those girls, and a night I will never let slip from my memory. To be reminded of the gift of womanhood and what a powerful force that can be is something not done often enough. We ended the night, or at that point, the early morning, by blowing out all eight candles to different things, to Rachel in hopes she would join us next time, to our grandmothers, to Gloria Steinem and her work, to us three and being women... eight things were not enough. Mostly it was to the love and non judgement of women everywhere, oppressed women and free women, happy women and miserable women, confident women and self conscious women, to every woman, knowing each is powerful and beautiful in her own way.

More than a feminist, were humanist... and I try to remind myself of that every time I am around another human being. Unite.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Brilliant Banksy

old friends... new friends... and stranger friends...

I took a journey (along with Kelly, Jonny, Jy, Seth, and Dexter) to a new bar downtown that shall remain nameless. Jpo invited us to come meet up with her, carl, alan, and some other friends downtown to share some drinks. We combined crews, and added a little bit of Kyle, and a little bit of Patience (two of our awesome new friends) and had a hell of a time.

We danced a bit... didn't get judged as much as we thought... mingled a lot... met lots of new friends... and combined lots of old friends.

I think one of my favorite things is having lots of different friends all together in one room and watching them all get along, learn about each other, interact with each other, exchange numbers with each other, and laugh together. It actually might be my favorite thing to do. Everyone looked like they had known each other for years and everyone had a good time and it was just a very successful night.

One that should happen way more often...

"the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off"...

I am making a vow today to stop losing my stuff.

Its a chronic problem, really. Car keys, debit cards, house key, drivers license... the list goes on. Those are just the important things.

Advice from my family has been "get your shit together" or "take better care of your stuff"

So today, my friends, I am going to "get my shit together" and stop losing stuff.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My soul is sort of crying out for a break. It's sick and tired of being sick, and being tired. I am longing for more peace, more truth, more love, and more freedom... which inevitably come with seeking... and waiting... and complete and utter silence. I have been estranged from meeting my creator in stillness... in quietness...

I find hope in my spirituality in strange and beautiful ways... none compare though to entering into that almighty presence and silently sitting.