Sunday, September 9, 2007

I'm a mess inside my own head...

I think I just woke up to something... and I don't know where I have been for so long.

When did church become a show? Like when did it become so fake? It felt like a joke this morning and I felt like I was the only one who laughed. I was hoping others realized the joke.

All I know is that I need to reevaluate what I want in a church... in doing so, I have come to the sad realization that I don't know of a single one like it. Nor have I even heard one. NOR do I know how to start one.

When did people start dressing up for church? All I know about that is my homeless friends have said many a times they don't want picked up for church because they "can't go looking like this... and well this is all they got." Or they can't go because "they have not showered in weeks and people don't want them."

Is there a church that people don't dress up to go to? Where homeless people wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb? Where they would feel wanted? Where they will KNOW they are wanted? Where people don't even think twice if they have not showered in weeks? Where the confused and broken will not just find a message but help and healing and real solutions? Where hungry wanders can call home?

I'm sick of the kahkis and ties and whatever else. I want something real. I want to go where the homeless can go.I
t's discontentment in my spirit and I don't know what to do with it.

Jesus, we need a revival... and we need some restoration.

I'm sick of the apology campaigns... lets do something about it.

Can I just say that?

I honestly feel like being on the streets with "the least of these" is the best church I have ever had.

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